Wednesday, November 28, 2012

5 Simple Steps To Improve Your Internet Business Productivity

In the world of online business ventures, it is very easy to get sidetracked and lose focus of your ultimate professional goals, especially if you are working from home. With the advancement of Facebook, Twitter, Skype and other social media, the opportunities for distractions and interruptions are increasing more and more every day. Here are a few tips that can aid in raising your internet business productivity.

1. Clean Off Your DESK

Keep your workspace free of clutter, and your mind will follow. Try to only handle one piece of paper or document once. Pick it up, handle the given task, then file or THROW it away. This saves time, keeps you organized, and ensures that nothing is forgotten.

2. Clear Your Mind

There is a reason that high school teachers do not allow cell phones in class. Students cannot pay attention if they are constantly texting or emailing their friends, and neither can you. Turn the Television off. Put the cell phone in the desk drawer. Turn off your Skype. And go to work.

3. Organize Your Day

Social Media is definitely a very valuable commodity, and can be of tremendous benefit to your internet business productivity. But set aside a block of time each day to utilize these services, rather than checking your Facebook every 3 minutes, or tweeting every half hour. Know your target audience, and communicate only at the most opportune times to catch them using these types of marketing techniques.

4. Break Large Projects into Smaller Portions

No one wants to sit down at their desk on a Monday morning with an action item on your "to do list" that says 'Write 10,000 word eBook on Home Business Opportunities.' Yuck! But you can slice the task into chucks of 1500 words, or break it down into smaller bits of a couple chapters at a time. This method will help you to build momentum in your day, and to make you feel a sense of accomplishment almost immediately.

5. Schedule Yourself

If you have employees, you know how important it is to keep them on task. You expect them to meet deadlines, and those deadlines are usually tied to your daily schedule as well. If your employees are not timely in completing their assignments, who has to pick up the slack? You do! At the beginning of the week, set yourself some milestones. What tasks to you want to have completed by Tuesday at noon, by Wednesday at the close of business, and by Friday at lunch time? Then work hard to BEAT those deadlines, making a game of it along the way!

Yes, you may be able to enjoy the luxury of working while still in your pajamas, but don't lose sight of the fact that your internet business is a BUSINESS! Most of us have created this lifestyle so that we can make money and have a little extra personal freedom, too. By focusing on increasing your home business productivity, you may also reap the added bonus of increasing your personal productivity as well, spending a bit more time enjoying your friends and family, rather than being tied to your computer for countless hours every day. Isn't that why you got into this business in the first place?

Internet Marketing Directory and Other Ways to Find the Best Internet Marketing Service   First Steps to Online Marketing   Marketing and Promoting Online Information Products for Huge Profits   Why You Have Been Throwing Away Business By Not Hiring A Voice Over Artist   

Tips On How To Succeed Through Internet Marketing

Are you using internet marketing to build your company's brand awareness? I encourage you to carefully consider this opportunity. The following piece is intended to offer insight into the fundamentals of internet marketing and provide advice on creating winning marketing initiatives.

One feature that a lot of sites share is that they have a row of links along the top and bottom of each of their pages. These sorts of links are called site-wide links. A site wide link can make your page more user-friendly by allowing easy access to the important pages within your site. In order to convince them to buy a certain product, have a list of products on this page. Be sure to make site-wide links organized as a menu so that your visitors will be able to access other pages in your site easily. Make sure that you put exact descriptions of each page in the menu and that they are logically organized.

When optimizing your site for search engines, it's important to remember the HTML code that isn't shown to humans viewing your site. One key example of this is the meta tag. When crawling and indexing your site, spiders first "read" the content of your meta tags to learn about the purpose of your site. Focus on creating tags that are relevant to your site, and then add some alternative tags that will help you increase traffic. However, you shouldn't overuse meta tags. Only choose the best tags that will be utilized by your audience.

The "H" in HTML is used to show how important a piece of text is. These important tags will make the tagged text appear in bold font. Use each of these tags as the basis for titles and brief passages. Titles and subheadings can benefit greatly from the use of this tag. If you follow this method, it'll be much easier for readers to digest your site's content. And importantly, by using the H tags, the spiders that search engines use to index your site will be able to identify important text much easier. Always use keywords that are useful in your titles and sub-headings.

Keep your marketing efforts fresh to keep old customers engaged and to excite new ones. When implementing SEO techniques, don't forget to implement newer methods, not just conventional ones, to boost your sales. The next video that you post on the internet could become the next viral video, but it won't happen unless you start posting them. You might find that you have become the latest hot topic and that your information is reaching audiences far and wide. These "viral" episodes normally do not last long, but you can benefit from them when they do occur. It's impossible to know what will go viral, so just keep putting things out there. Just make sure that they are unique and funny! Post your material as often as you can to YouTube and other social media sites. Take the time to research and review other popular pieces of online content and see if there are any tips you can use for your own videos.

This is just a small selection of the internet marketing strategies that you can employ. Use these ideas as a springboard for your marketing strategies, and continue to think of ways to improve your campaigns on your own. Visit my blog, to learn more, or check out the link in the resource box. Thanks.

Internet Marketing Directory and Other Ways to Find the Best Internet Marketing Service   First Steps to Online Marketing   Marketing and Promoting Online Information Products for Huge Profits   Why You Have Been Throwing Away Business By Not Hiring A Voice Over Artist   The Truth - Why Free Classifieds Help Employers   

Top Paying Affiliate Programs - How To Find Them

If your goal is to make money online as an affiliate marketer, there are several critical factors you need to consider in choosing products to promote. They must be products that your target market is anxious to buy, they should be easy to explain and, maybe most important of all, they ought to have top payouts, meaning they should pay top commissions.

Digital vs. physical products

The first decision you will have to make as an affiliate marketer is whether to sell digital (information) products or physical products. Most affiliate marketing experts say that digital products are more difficult to sell but pay a much better commission. Physical products are just the opposite - they are often easier to sell but earn smaller commissions. For example, digital products from the company often pay commissions of 50% or better. In comparison, physical products generally pay a commission of 8% or less.

Top paying digital products

The website lists hundreds of different digital products organized into 23 categories. Pick a category such as Health and Fitness and then sort the list by Gravity. This will tell you the number of distinct affiliates who earned a commission by promoting the vendor's products during the past 12 weeks - a good way to learn what's actually selling. You will also be able to see what was the average sale, which is a quick way to learn what are the top paying affiliate programs.

Physical products

If you would rather promote physical products, you need to determine what it is that your market wants to buy and then apply some common sense. Let's assume for the sake of the example that you've decided your niche market is serious gardeners. Common sense says that you would make more money promoting big-ticket items than seeds or garden tools. Given this, you might search Google on the term garden sheds+affiliate. If you were to do this, you would find several alternatives including, and good old The sheds could be a good product to promote because even though you would earn a commission of may be only 5%, which would be 5% of $1000 (or more) vs. 5% of $12 for a garden spade.

The affiliate networks

You can also find affiliate programs that are the top paying through affiliate networks such as Share-A-Sale and Commission Junction. Take Share-A-Sale as an example. If you become a member of this network, you would be able to search for merchants with affiliate programs by product name (keyword). Type in "garden tools," click Search and you would get more than 500 results or more than 500 affiliate programs that include garden tools. Choose one of these merchants, click Stats and you will be able to see its seven-and 30-day EPC or earnings per click, the average sale and average commission.

Spoiler alert

Unfortunately, this will take some time as you will need to select maybe a half dozen merchants - based on their commissions- and then compare their earnings per click, average sale and average commission side-by-side to determine which would be the top paying programs.

Internet Marketing Directory and Other Ways to Find the Best Internet Marketing Service   First Steps to Online Marketing   Marketing and Promoting Online Information Products for Huge Profits   Why You Have Been Throwing Away Business By Not Hiring A Voice Over Artist   The Truth - Why Free Classifieds Help Employers   Why Use An Internet Business Consultant?   

How to Create a Successful Internet Marketing Strategy

There have been a lot of internet marketers who tried and failed at creating a successful internet marketing strategy, but they simply haven't grasp the technique of making a great one.

Experienced internet marketers would use a variety of things and methods to get the right conversion for their campaign; they are able to use just a small resource compared to inexperienced marketers who would download a bunch of packages and e-books, and find out none of them would really work.

How could you really create a successful internet marketing strategy without having to spend too much?

Plan. This is often regarded because they usually jump off unto the project without knowing what they need and what goals they have to establish. You must plan first, plot out objectives, list out possible resources, make a timetable and tick off the goals that you have achieved over time. By doing this, you could actually track the changes and what still needs to be done to your business.

Branding. A very important aspect as this will be the basis for all of your product and services. Creating a weak and lame brand would spell out disaster. So, a careful research and design would be the best thing to do in coming up a great brand for your business. Consider the picture and color of your logo, to reflect what your company is all about.

Target Market. Knowing your scope will save you a lot of time in terms of looking for the right people to follow and focus on. Getting a lot of clicks with a low conversion rate, could mean you have targeted the wrong market.

Niche. Research what is the trend nowadays, what stirs up the interest of your target market and work through it. You will get a lot of convertible clicks through this.

Communication. Follow up and interact with your network of clients. Update them of all the news and tidbits of what your company has to offer.

Streamline your business. Always have consistency! Consistency in your content, videos, advertising and keep them up-to-date. Don't get left behind because you missed a new SEO strategy.

When you do Internet Marketing, always remember as the saying goes, "Customer is always right", in this case we can rephrase that into, "Customer's needs are always first". For you to get a high ranking website that would get the interest of customers, create an effective and efficient strategy that works for you and your business.

Internet Marketing Directory and Other Ways to Find the Best Internet Marketing Service   First Steps to Online Marketing   Marketing and Promoting Online Information Products for Huge Profits   Why You Have Been Throwing Away Business By Not Hiring A Voice Over Artist   The Truth - Why Free Classifieds Help Employers   Internet Marketing Advertising and Promotion Tactics   

5 Tips for Marketers to Change Bad Habits and Increase Productivity

As humans we are creatures of habit. I may be more habitual than most as I am someone that places a lot of emphasis on control and order. In short, I like to know what to expect.

For example: I wake up at the same time each morning, but then I hit snooze so I can rest for 5 more minutes. As I'm getting ready for work I am always tuned into Good Morning America, and then right before leaving I take my four-legged pup Kirby for a walk around the block.

As a marketer I have always been someone that is very interested in understanding why people make certain choices, how much of it is really within their control, and ways to train your brain to think differently.

It is much easier to fall into bad habits than it is to begin actively creating good habits in life and at work. If you are ready to begin understanding (or acknowledging) what your bad habits are, and want to learn how to make new ones I have 5 tips to help you start on your journey.

Tip 1 - Be Honest With Yourself Identifying your good habits, is just as important as recognizing those that are less than favorable. If you can pinpoint what your motivation is for the good habits you have, you can begin working that positive association into altering your bad habits.

If you have a particularly difficult task that you dread doing and often put off until the end of the day, do it first thing in the morning. Get the task out of the way and reward yourself with a 5-minute mental break or extra long gaze out the office window (whatever motivates you to continue making that choice).

Even though this may be something as small as setting up your meetings for the week, responding to team emails, or scheduling social media posts for the day you'll have a much greater sense of accomplishment if you get it off of your plate right away.

Tip 2 - Old Habits Die Hard I'm sure this is an expression that we've all heard, if not said. You cannot change habits overnight, it takes time and effort. We may even need to remind ourselves on a daily basis for a while that we should not be falling into our old ways.

I for example obsessively check my email. I have found that the amount of focus I can direct towards actual marketing activities is greatly decreased when I'm checking email every five minutes.

Unless I'm expecting a very important communication I will only check my email during certain points throughout the day. I have setup calendar reminders that prompt me to check in and see what I've received. But other than during those allotted times I make sure I keep the window closed.

Tip 3 - Don't Try To Make Too Many Changes At Once There have been a few times that I have tried to drastically alter the way that I organize my work-day and have been met with what I consider to be less than ideal, and nerve-wracking results.

If you can focus on changing one habit at a time, your chances for success are much greater. Small habits you can begin changing today might include:

Getting to work 10 minutes earlier than usual for the next week Organizing your tasks for the next day before leaving work Talking a short walk during lunch time to clear your head Trading that tempting donut for better brain food like a piece of fruit

Tip 4 - Cut Out Bad Outside Influences We are influenced positively and negatively by those we spend time with. So, if you are spending time with people that have many of the same negative habits as yourself, it's time for a change. Once you've discovered how to make the change yourself it is perfectly fine (and encouraged) to share with your team members how you turned a bad habit into a good one, and tips for them to do so as well.

Tip 5 - Wash, Rinse, Repeat, Adapt The more you focus on changing your habits in a consistent way, the better your results will be. After you've begun to notice a positive difference in the new habits you are forming, it's time to apply the same logic outside of yourself.

Is the way that you're interacting with your customers and prospects affected by other bad habits? How much are these bad habits costing your company in productivity/dollars? What can you do to better connect with them by changing these habits? Can you help other team members become more productive by encouraging them to change habits?

Getting Started Below are some helpful tips to get you started:

Pinpoint three things that motivate you. An example might be positive reinforcement from your boss or a co-worker Identify your bad habits. Maybe you spend too much time on Facebook during the day and want to improve your focus. If you could change one habit immediately, what would it be? (feel free to leave your answer in the comments below.) Internet Marketing Directory and Other Ways to Find the Best Internet Marketing Service   First Steps to Online Marketing   Marketing and Promoting Online Information Products for Huge Profits   Why You Have Been Throwing Away Business By Not Hiring A Voice Over Artist   The Truth - Why Free Classifieds Help Employers   Internet Marketing Advertising and Promotion Tactics   

The Power of Free Gifts in Marketing

When looking at your business marketing strategy especially when making money online from home, one of the most powerful words that you should be using is free. It catches people's attention and allows people to become excited and interested in your business or product. By giving away free products/information, usually an eBook or down loadable video you are building up trust between you and the customer.

Promoting free products doesn't mean that as a company you will be losing money. It merely means that you are allowing your potential customers to engage with your business or product on an immediate trusted level.

Although, you do need to make sure that you are promoting your free information or products to the correct audience. Make sure that you are providing information to interested customers who could potentially spend money with you.

Always make sure that giving away free information or products benefits your business. The offers have to be of high quality. Remember, that whilst offering these gifts you are advertising your business. The offers need to capture people's attention leaving them with the need to explore your business so they are enticed to buy other products you are selling.

By giving away free products and information you can gain your potential customers contact details for future business. You can do this by setting up an Auto Responder and build a list. It's simple, to claim their free offer, potential customers just have to fill in their details. There are a number of Auto responder companies these include, Trafficwave Icontact and AWeber which is the one I would recommend.

Obtaining a list is like killing two birds with one stone. Once you have gained the information, you are then able to forward these customers further information, newsletters or new products that may well enhance what they have already requested.

The main benefit from having a customer contact list is you will always have a pipeline to turn into sales, and by using this system your future customers are already telling you they are interested in your business.

The information that you can request on an Auto Responder can be anything from just a name and email address to full contact details including address and telephone number. Be aware though, asking for full contact details and/or other information can put them off. The internet can be a scary place for some users these days and asking for too much information may send them to your competitors.

There are many benefits from giving away free products or information. You have an edge on your competitors; it allows you to gain long term contact, when using an Auto Responder you can send offers out at anytime day or night, 345 days of the year. It connects with your target market and most of all can increase your sales leading to greater profits.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when marketing your business is using the word cheap rather than free. Free engages with people, it's a kind process, cheap can seem more like a bribery. You are trying to build a trusted business; your potential customers need to trust you from day one.

Cheap isn't a bad thing though, but much better used once the customer has trust and is spending money with you. Giving away a product reduced or cheap is a great way to promote a new product once the customer is already engaged in your business.

Thank you for reading

Internet Marketing Directory and Other Ways to Find the Best Internet Marketing Service   First Steps to Online Marketing   Marketing and Promoting Online Information Products for Huge Profits   Why You Have Been Throwing Away Business By Not Hiring A Voice Over Artist   The Truth - Why Free Classifieds Help Employers   Internet Marketing Advertising and Promotion Tactics   

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